There’s a time when you want do maximum possible things to get it..You put an effort..Think about it all the time..You wish for it….You wait..You struggle..But still dnt get it_

And when it finally comes to you ..You r like No! I dnt want it anymore_I am done with it..

You just dnt feel anything for it anymore

The thing which was once a big wish for you is the same thing you dnt feel anything for!!

Have you ever wondered why is this so?

From where I see this ..Its because people forget their passion for a particular thing.

They forget How badly they wanted that particular thing based on the time it took to come to you.

This is the attitude you gotta change..This is something you gotta fix

It dsnt matter how long it took_It dsnt matter how much efforts you have to do for it

What matters is That ITS HAPPENING NOW,


Indulge yourself into it when it actually occurs

Never forget how badly you wanted it

Never loosen up your grip over something you’ve always wished for..!

After all , In the end All Efforts, Pain, Patience, Struggle is WORTH IT