Have you ever been into love?

No apparently i am not here to give any sort of cliché articles on points on how to get over your break ups and all..

Rather I am here to just discuss about some real ‘HeartBreaks’ the one from which its really hard to recover 

So have guys ever been into love? 

And have you gone through breaking up with the one you love? 

What happens after that?  

You decide to move on right ? And then you give yur best shot into that..and for few days you feel like you are doing good but you end up crying and missing that one person

But I am here just to tell you guys few things and you better note them up..

Its like when you truely love someone and when that thing ends , Its hurts..! It hurts terribly..You will never ever see any other phase worse than this. Its just because its hard to accept the truth that the person whom you were so close to, is gone..The person to whom you kissed few hours back has turned out to be a complete ass hole.. The one for whom you did all sort of sacrifices, didnt value any one of them.The one for whom you are crying out loud tonight is not even worth it.

I know guys its hard to realise all this because our heart doesn’t allow us to accept the fact the one we love so much didnt love us back in the very same manner . But its okay to feel like that.. Its okay to cry..It will take time to stand again.. And if you are feeling very alone right now all you gotta remember is you ll always have one person in your life whose  going to be with you no matter what happens.. Whose never going to judge you..And that person is YOU My friend!
You are going to be with yourself.

You Have You 

Dnt be hard on yourself just because someone else sitting out there giving no damn caused you so much pain..

Don’t lose yourself just because you wanna forget someone else..! 🙂
Its my first post, If it was helpful (even 1%) then do comment..! 🙂 

This will motivate me to write for you guys more